TangoLooks is a women’s fashion brand that creates meticulously designed apparel and accessories to help women walk through life with confidence. Every. Damn. Day.
StrapSnap, the best bra strap concealer on the planet is TangoLooks flagship product.
In a world filled with obstacles, standards, and perceptions; we're constantly working to overcome discomfort. Often it’s the little things that make us feel less than. I started Tango Looks because I wanted to help all women feel confident in their own skin.
I think getting older--I turned 60 a few months ago--has been the driving force behind my desire to start a new venture. I have a great deal of experience to bring to the table: as a textile designer, a mother, a wife, a teacher, an artist, and I have come to understand the importance of feeling comfortable and confident as a woman, especially as I navigate the ups & downs of menopause. I think there is a world of opportunity to design products that will help women feel better about themselves, no matter their age. StrapSnap is just the start!
Susan Ackerman
TangoLooks, Founder & Owner